Dunkin Donuts is a popular coffee chain in the United States that offers delicious and affordable hot beverages.
They’re known for their donut selection, but do they offer free refills on their drinks?
No, Dukin Donuts does not have free refills. But you can buy a Dunkin’ Donuts mug and refill it with your favorite coffee, iced coffee or hot chocolate for one low price. Purchasing a refillable mug will cost you around $10 and refills start at $1.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about whether Dunkin Donuts has free refills.
And I have to admit, it’s something that I hadn’t even thought about before. It used to be such a simple question – yes or no?
But in today’s world, the answer is anything but straightforward.
Dunkin’ Donuts is always a great choice for an inexpensive morning snack. Their coffee and donut flavors are delicious!
Fill up your mug with delicious coffee drinks and stay cozy. Just $10 for a refillable Dunkin’ Donuts cup!