How much is a Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks?
A Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks costs $3.95. The price of your Peppermint Mocha will increase if you decide to add whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

A peppermint mocha is a heavenly mix of hot cocoa and espresso.
But it’s also a wallet-crusher.
That’s a lot of money for something that doesn’t really taste all that great, but it does make you feel like winter is in the air.
I love how Starbucks always has those little peppermint candies on top of their coffee drinks during this time of year too!
They’re so festive and cute, but then again they are just candy with sugar added in there – not really what we should be eating now that we know about the risks associated with consuming too many sweets…