If you’re a coffee lover, you’ve probably wondered at some point if Dunkin’ Donuts has espresso. After all, they have so many other coffee drinks on their menu. In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this delicious coffee treat. Keep reading to know more!
Does Dunkin Have Espresso? Yes, Dunkin does offer espresso drinks. You can order a range of espresso-based drinks, such as lattes and cappuccinos, or choose from a selection of hot or cold espressos. If you’re not sure which drink to order, the baristas at Dunkin will be happy to help.

Does Dunkin Have Espresso?
Espresso can get made by forcing high-pressure water through finely-ground coffee. With 6.5 and 7.5 grams of ground coffee, you can make a single-shot 1oz espresso coffee. The brewing time is usually between 25 and 30 seconds. An espresso will have a rich reddish-brown cream on the top layer called ‘crema’ before it gets finished brewing. The crema on espresso is a sign of its quality.
What exactly is an espresso-based beverage?
Espresso beverages contain three ingredients espresso, heated milk, and foam.
The ratios of espresso, steamed milk, and foamed milk added to the beverage are the main differences between these espresso-based cocktails. Extra toppings, such as chocolate on a cappuccino, are available with most flavored espressos. However, all espresso-based drinks include the same ingredients.
Some Espresso-Based Cocktails
A latte is a coffee with two espresso shots and a layer of steamed milk and cream on top. The flavor provides a sweet, creamy, and ideal coffee drink with a morning pick-me-up character. A latte typically contains 60 milliliters of espresso, 300 milliliters of steamed milk, and 2 milliliters of foamed milk.
A cappuccino gets created with two espresso shots and steamed milk on top. The cappuccino differs from the latte in that it does not have a thin layer of milk foam on top. A cappuccino gets made up of 60 milliliters of espresso, 60 milliliters of steamed milk, and 60 milliliters of foamed milk.
Mocha gets made with a double shot of espresso and chocolate, steamed milk, and a dollop of whipped cream on top. One of the sweetest espresso-based drinks is mocha. The mocha drink contains 60ml espresso, 50ml chocolate, and 30ml steamed milk.
A double shot of espresso is combined with hot water to make an Americano coffee. The espresso flavor gets lightened by the hot water, making it drinkable. An Americano has 60 milliliters of espresso and 90 milliliters of hot water.
A macchiato gets made with a double shot of espresso and heated milk on top. Macchiato has a concentrated flavor when served with less milk foam. It is made up of 60ml espresso and a dollop of foamed milk.
Two shots of Dunkin’ Rainforest Alliance Certified espresso get combined with hot water for a delicious, bolder flavor. The Americano is one of many high-quality espresso-based beverages, including cold brews, lattes, and more.
Espresso produces a strong flavor profile that has the unusual ability to keep its espresso flavor even when blended into coffee drinks. A cappuccino, latte, or mocha is an excellent example of a new espresso character. These espresso-based drinks included creamy and silky steamed milk and cream.