Does Dunkin Have Lattes?

Coffee lovers everywhere know that Dunkin’ Donuts is the place to go for a great cup of coffee. But what about lattes? Are they available at Dunkin’? Here’s what you need to know.

Does Dunkin Have Lattes? Yes, Dunkin does have lattes. Dunkin’ Donuts offers both iced and hot lattes, so you can enjoy your favorite coffee drink no matter what the weather is like outside. You can choose from a variety of flavors, including vanilla, caramel, mocha, and more. There’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you.

Does Dunkin Have Lattes?

The creamiest espresso drink is a Dunkin’ latte. Steamed milk makes up two-thirds of the beverage, which is poured over a shot of espresso and topped with milk foam.

About Dunkin Lattes

Holiday Eggnog Signature Latte 

It’s topped with whipped cream, caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar and tastes like eggnog and cinnamon.

Merry Mocha Mint Signature Latte 

It’s topped with whipped cream, mocha drizzle, and hot chocolate powder and comes in the popular Peppermint Mocha taste.

Toasted Gingerbread Signature Latte 

It combines gingerbread, marshmallow, and chocolate flavors in a single cup, then tops it with whipped cream, caramel sauce, and cinnamon sugar.

The dunkin’ fantastic white chocolate taste is topped with whipped cream, caramel sauce, and cinnamon sugar in the Frosted White Chocolate Signature Latte from Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Caramel Craze Signature Latte 

It’s flavored with caramel and topped with whipped cream, a caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar.

The Cocoa Mocha Signature Latte

It is topped with whipped cream, a mocha drizzle, and hot chocolate powder and has a mocha flavor. All Signature Lattes are available hot or iced and are part of our espresso lineup at participating Dunkin’ Donuts locations nationwide.

What is a Latte?

A latte is a traditional coffee made with espresso and steamed milk as the two main ingredients. The word “latte” derives from the Italian phrase “caffè e latte”, which means “coffee and milk.” A latte gets usually made with 1/3 espresso, 2/3 heated milk, and a thin coating of microfoam on top. With this ratio, baristas can easily alter the size of your latte when you request it, even though the standard size is 10-12 ounces.

What is Special About Latte?

A latte is a coffee drink made with espresso steamed milk often adorned with latte art that is becoming increasingly elaborate: flowers, swirly patterns, hearts, skulls, faces, and holiday symbols, all created by pouring milk on the coffee from a specific height and moving the pitcher to combine the milk foam and crema, which is the brownish foam that forms on top of the freshly made espresso.

Why People Love Lattes?

Espresso is the stronger sister of drip coffee. Espresso can be acidic or too bitter, depending on the roast of the beans and the water pressure. When you add milk to espresso, it cools it down and smooths out the flavor. As a result, it appeals to a range of people. Lattes are popular because the smooth milk and foam combine with the espresso to create the perfect, subtle drink.


Lattes are one of the most popular coffee shop offerings, and they come in a variety of flavors. You can have lattes in Dunkin, and there are varieties available.