Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks Review

Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks is an exotic and delicious beverage that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a combination of matcha green tea and pineapple juice, and it is served cold or hot. The drink has a unique flavor that is both sweet and earthy, and it is packed with antioxidants and other health benefits.

In this article, we will explore the history of Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks, its taste and texture, its benefits, how to make it at home, variations of the drink, where to buy it, pros and cons of drinking it, our final thoughts on the drink, and much more.

Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks Review

History of Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks

The Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks was created by Starbucks in 2018 as part of their summer menu. The drink quickly became a hit due to its unique flavor profile and health benefits.

The combination of matcha green tea and pineapple juice creates an interesting flavor that is both sweet and earthy. Since then, the drink has become one of the most popular drinks at Starbucks locations around the world.

Taste and Texture

The taste of Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks is both sweet and earthy. The matcha green tea provides a slightly bitter flavor while the pineapple juice adds a hint of sweetness.

The texture of the drink is smooth and creamy due to the addition of milk or cream. Overall, the combination creates a unique flavor that is both refreshing and energizing.

Benefits of Drinking Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks

Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks has many health benefits due to its combination of matcha green tea and pineapple juice. Matcha green tea contains powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body which can lead to disease.

Additionally, pineapple juice contains vitamin C which helps boost immunity and can help reduce inflammation in the body. Furthermore, both ingredients have been found to have anti-aging properties as well as other health benefits.

Nutritional Information

Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks contains about 140 calories per cup when made with 2% milk or cream. It also contains about 10 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of fiber, 25 milligrams of sodium, 140 milligrams of potassium, 12 milligrams of calcium, 8 milligrams of magnesium, 5 milligrams of iron, 6 milligrams of zinc, 0 milligrams cholesterol, 0 milligrams trans fat, 0 milligrams saturated fat, 0 milligrams polyunsaturated fat, 0 milligrams monounsaturated fat,and 39 grams sugar per cup when made with 2% milk or cream.

How to Make Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks at Home

Making Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks at home is easy! All you need is matcha green tea powder (available at most grocery stores), pineapple juice (freshly squeezed or store-bought), honey or sugar (optional), milk or cream (optional), ice cubes (optional), and a blender or food processor (optional).

To make the drink: combine 1 teaspoon matcha powder with 1/4 cup pineapple juice in a blender or food processor; add honey or sugar if desired; blend until smooth; add ice cubes if desired; pour into a glass; add milk or cream if desired; stir until combined; enjoy!

Variations Of The Drink

There are many variations on the classic Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks recipe that can be made with different ingredients such as coconut milk instead of dairy milk for a vegan option; adding mint leaves for extra flavor; adding ginger for an extra kick; adding orange juice for added sweetness; adding frozen fruit for added texture; adding lemonade for tartness; adding chia seeds for added nutrition; adding turmeric for anti-inflammatory properties; adding honey instead of sugar for added sweetness; adding cinnamon for added flavor; and more!

Where To Buy The Drink?

Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks can be purchased at any Starbucks location around the world as well as online through their website or app. Additionally, many grocery stores now carry pre-made versions of the drink that are ready to drink without any additional preparation needed!

Pros And Cons Of Drinking Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks

Pros: Delicious taste & texture; packed with antioxidants & other health benefits; easy to make at home with basic ingredients; many variations available to suit different tastes & dietary needs; widely available in stores & online.

Cons: Contains sugar & calories which can be unhealthy if consumed in large amounts; matcha powder & pineapple juice can be expensive if bought separately from stores rather than from Starbucks directly.

Final Thoughts On The Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks

Overall, Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks is an incredibly delicious beverage that has many health benefits due to its combination of matcha green tea and pineapple juice. It’s easy to make at home with basic ingredients such as matcha powder & pineapple juice (or pre-made versions are widely available) & there are many variations available that suit different tastes & dietary needs!

However, it does contain some sugar & calories which can be unhealthy if consumed in large amounts so moderation should be practiced when drinking this beverage.


In conclusion, Pineapple Matcha Drink Starbucks is an amazing beverage packed with antioxidants & other health benefits. It has a unique flavor that is both sweet & earthy, making it refreshing & energizing.

Plus, it’s easy to make at home with basic ingredients or pre-made versions are widely available. However, moderation should be practiced when drinking this beverage since it does contain some sugar & calories.