Starbucks Blonde Review

Starbucks Blonde is the newest addition to the Starbucks range of coffees. It is a lighter roast coffee with a smooth and mellow flavor that appeals to a wide variety of coffee drinkers.

In this article, I will be providing an in-depth review of Starbucks Blonde, including its taste and texture, aroma and appearance, health benefits, cost and availability, pros and cons, comparisons to other coffee brands, and my final thoughts on the product.

Starbucks Blonde Review

Overview of Starbucks Blonde

Starbucks Blonde is a light roast coffee that has a mild flavor and smooth finish. It is made with 100% Arabica beans that are carefully selected from around the world. The beans are roasted in small batches to ensure a consistent flavor profile throughout each batch. The blend is designed to have a balanced taste that is not too acidic or too bitter.

Taste and Texture

When I tried Starbucks Blonde, I was pleasantly surprised by its taste and texture. The coffee had a smooth finish with no bitterness or acidity. It had a light body with notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts. The flavor was well-balanced without being too overpowering. The aroma was pleasant and inviting, making it enjoyable to drink even without any added creamer or sugar.

Aroma and Appearance

The aroma of Starbucks Blonde was very inviting with notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts. The appearance was also pleasing as it had a light brown color with some hints of red in it.

Health Benefits

Starbucks Blonde contains no added sugar or artificial sweeteners, making it a healthier choice compared to other coffees that contain these ingredients. Additionally, the light roast helps preserve some of the natural antioxidants found in coffee beans which can help boost your immune system and provide other health benefits such as improved focus and energy levels.

Cost and Availability

Starbucks Blonde is available at most Starbucks locations as well as online through their website or app. The cost varies depending on the size but typically ranges from $1 – $3 for a cup of coffee or $11 – $15 for a pound of beans.

Pros and Cons of Starbucks Blonde

• Smooth taste with no bitterness or acidity
• Balanced flavor profile
• Pleasant aroma
• Light brown color
• No added sugar or artificial sweeteners
• Can be expensive depending on size purchased

Comparisons to Other Coffee Brands

When comparing Starbucks Blonde to other coffee brands on the market today, it stands out due to its balanced flavor profile that appeals to both light roast lovers as well as those who prefer darker roasts. Additionally, its lack of added sugars or artificial sweeteners makes it an ideal choice for those looking for healthier options when it comes to their daily caffeine fix!

Compared to other coffees in the same price range such as Folgers Classic Roast or Maxwell House Original Blend, Starbucks Blonde has more nuanced flavors that make it stand out from the crowd.


In conclusion, Starbucks Blonde is an excellent choice for those looking for a light roast coffee with balanced flavors that don’t overpower your palate but still provide enough complexity for you to enjoy every sip! Its lack of added sugars or artificial sweeteners also makes it an ideal choice for those looking for healthier options when it comes to their daily caffeine fix!

With its reasonable price point compared to other coffees in the same price range combined with its unique flavor profile make this an excellent choice for anyone looking for something new in their morning cup!