Starbucks Cloud Macchiato Review

Starbucks Cloud Macchiato is a light and creamy espresso-based drink made with steamed milk, espresso shots, and a cloud of foam. It’s a delicious and refreshing way to enjoy your morning coffee. In this article, we will be reviewing the Starbucks Cloud Macchiato, including its taste and texture, how to make it, health benefits, nutritional information, cost, pros and cons, and alternatives.

What is Starbucks Cloud Macchiato?

Starbucks Cloud Macchiato is a unique espresso-based beverage made with steamed milk, espresso shots, and a cloud of foam. The drink is available in both hot and cold varieties. It has a light and creamy flavor that is sure to satisfy any coffee lover.

Taste and Texture of the Drink

The Starbucks Cloud Macchiato has a light and creamy flavor that is perfectly balanced between sweet and savory. The espresso shots give the drink a bold yet smooth taste that is complemented by the sweet notes of the foam. The texture is light yet creamy, making it perfect for sipping slowly or enjoying quickly on the go.

How to Make a Starbucks Cloud Macchiato

Making a Starbucks Cloud Macchiato at home is easy! All you need are two shots of espresso, steamed milk, and some foam. Start by adding two shots of espresso to your cup or mug. Then add steamed milk until the cup or mug is about three-quarters full. Finally, top off your drink with some foam for the signature cloud effect!

Health Benefits of the Drink

Starbucks Cloud Macchiato offers several health benefits due to its ingredients. The espresso shots provide an energy boost while also containing antioxidants that can help protect against diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The steamed milk provides calcium which helps to strengthen bones while also being low in fat content. Finally, the foam provides protein which helps to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Nutritional Information of the Drink

A standard Starbucks Cloud Macchiato contains 130 calories with 7 grams of fat (4g saturated), 15mg cholesterol, 140mg sodium, 16g carbohydrates (1g dietary fiber), 12g sugar and 5g protein per serving size (16 fl oz). This makes it a relatively low calorie beverage that can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

Cost of the Drink

The cost of a Starbucks Cloud Macchiato can vary depending on where you purchase it from but typically ranges from $3-$5 USD for a 16oz cup size drink. This makes it an affordable option for those looking for an afternoon pick-me-up without breaking the bank!

Pros and Cons of Drinking Starbucks Cloud Macchiato

Pros: Light & creamy flavor; Energy boost; Low calorie; Affordable; Contains beneficial nutrients such as calcium & protein; Can be enjoyed hot or cold; Easy to make at home
Cons: Not suitable for those who are lactose intolerant; Contains caffeine which may not be suitable for everyone; Not suitable for those on restrictive diets due to its sugar content

Alternatives to Starbucks Cloud Macchiato

If you are looking for an alternative to Starbucks Cloud Macchiato there are many options available! For example you could try an Americano or Latte instead which contain similar ingredients but may have different flavors or textures depending on how they are prepared. Additionally if you are looking for something with less caffeine then you could try a decaffeinated version or opt for herbal teas instead!


In conclusion, Starbucks Cloud Macchiato is an enjoyable drink that can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your preference! It contains beneficial nutrients such as calcium & protein while still being low in calories making it an ideal choice for those looking for an afternoon pick-me-up without breaking the bank! However if you are lactose intolerant or on restrictive diets then this may not be suitable for you so please bear this in mind before making your purchase!
